My Work

What I do
Web Intelligence - WEBINT
Web intelligence involves gathering information from various online sources, such as websites, social media platforms, forums, and blogs, to track trends, identify patterns, and make informed decisions.
Social Media Intelligence - SOCMINT
This form of intelligence focuses specifically on online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other platforms where people share personal, professional, and public content.
Using publicly available data to locate, track, and profile individuals. This practice leverages open-source materials—such as social media profiles, news articles, government databases, geolocation data, and various digital footprints left behind on the internet—to gather intelligence about a person’s identity, whereabouts, relationships, or activities.
Profiling Individual - HUMINT
When profiling an individual through HUMINT, investigators or intelligence professionals look at a range of factors, including personal history, psychological patterns, social interactions, and even subtle behaviors. It helps identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, or opportunities and supports decision-making in a variety of cases or situations
Geospatial Intelligence - GEOINT
GEOINT involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of geographic information to gain insights about physical locations, terrain, infrastructure, and human activities.
Breached Information Lookup
Breached Information Lookup is an OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) service designed to help individuals and organizations identify whether their sensitive information has been exposed in data breaches. By leveraging publicly available breach databases, underground forums, and dark web sources, this service provides users with actionable insights to mitigate potential security risks.